Онлајн текстови
Бог е злобен, човекот е слободен - ПрудонАнархизмот во Латинска Америка
Смртта на еден Палестинец - Полак
Моќта ги корумпира и најдобрите - Бакунин
Развој на анархистичките идеи во Македонија - Инџиќ
Анархизмот и насилството - Малатеста
Капиталистичкиот систем - Бакунин
Комунизам и анархија - Кропоткин
Анархизам и комунизам - Фабри
Анархизам - Савески
Што е анархија?
Што е анархизам?
Кои се анархистите?
Што е безвластие?
Вовед во анархокомунизам
Што е анархокомунизам? - Прајс
Кон анархизмот - Малатеста
Правото на глас на жените - Голдман
Писмо на Кропоткин до Ленин
Југославија – Империјалистичка војна
Улогата на Католичката црква во Холокаустот во Југославија
Анархизам - Беркман
Синдикализам и анархизам - Кропоткин
Што да се прави? - Малатеста
Што е капитализам?
Први Мај - Махно
Последното писмо на Кропоткин
Организацијата на Првата Интернационала - Бакунин
Бездржавен социјализам: Анархизам - Бакунин
Петар Манџуков - биографија од Хаџиев
Дискусија за анархија - Малатеста
Анархија и организација - Букчин
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Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Jozef K.
Секс Објект
25 posters
АНАРХИЈА :: Категорија :: Музика
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Текстови на вашите омилени песни
naslovot kazuva se.Ajde,jas kje pocnam prva
A//Political - Freedom?
Blind patriot praises democary
And praise our glorious history
The United States and United hates
In inbred ignorance and the police state
The freedom of choice as long as you fit
Or as long as you have the money to pay for it
Democary - A money scheme
The rich stay rich, and we're left to dream
Conditioned well from the day of birth
More money is the answer to quench your thirst
Competition - competition
Beat down the rest in repitition
You must succeed or you're a nobody
Cast in the bank makes you a somebody
This democracy, a mone scheme
You can stuff your amerikkkan dream
Chorus: Democracy - freedom of choice
Where everyone is equal and has a voice
Amerikkka, land of the free
Amerikkka, where we're all so blindly happy
Pacified, subservient, fools are what you are
Believing their lies and supporting their wars
Can't ypou see it's all in the name of greed
That that mocks good is a charity
Only the strong survive, only the rich survive
Only the blind get by, only the obedient survive
This democracy is a mockery
Of co-called freedom, what hypocrisy
Freedom of choice of what to buy
Equlity - just another lie
This system is one big fucking machine
The rich reap the harvest while we work within
We are slaves, we work all our days
And with desperation we accept our pay
Keeping the machine in working order
Oppressing those beyond all borders
Freedom?, freedom for who? For whoever can afford it - that's who. (Democracy?) our glorious freedom of choice, yet another misleading statement to fool us into their ignorance and pride. Which multinational should I give my money to today? Should I support starving children in third world countries, the destruction of the rainforest, or perhaps the death of a few hundred innocent animals? Let me put that in comsumer terms folks. McDonald's or Burger King. Coke or Pepsi. _____? or Gillette. This list goes on and on....
A//Political - Freedom?
Blind patriot praises democary
And praise our glorious history
The United States and United hates
In inbred ignorance and the police state
The freedom of choice as long as you fit
Or as long as you have the money to pay for it
Democary - A money scheme
The rich stay rich, and we're left to dream
Conditioned well from the day of birth
More money is the answer to quench your thirst
Competition - competition
Beat down the rest in repitition
You must succeed or you're a nobody
Cast in the bank makes you a somebody
This democracy, a mone scheme
You can stuff your amerikkkan dream
Chorus: Democracy - freedom of choice
Where everyone is equal and has a voice
Amerikkka, land of the free
Amerikkka, where we're all so blindly happy
Pacified, subservient, fools are what you are
Believing their lies and supporting their wars
Can't ypou see it's all in the name of greed
That that mocks good is a charity
Only the strong survive, only the rich survive
Only the blind get by, only the obedient survive
This democracy is a mockery
Of co-called freedom, what hypocrisy
Freedom of choice of what to buy
Equlity - just another lie
This system is one big fucking machine
The rich reap the harvest while we work within
We are slaves, we work all our days
And with desperation we accept our pay
Keeping the machine in working order
Oppressing those beyond all borders
Freedom?, freedom for who? For whoever can afford it - that's who. (Democracy?) our glorious freedom of choice, yet another misleading statement to fool us into their ignorance and pride. Which multinational should I give my money to today? Should I support starving children in third world countries, the destruction of the rainforest, or perhaps the death of a few hundred innocent animals? Let me put that in comsumer terms folks. McDonald's or Burger King. Coke or Pepsi. _____? or Gillette. This list goes on and on....
Секс Објект- Број на мислења : 210
Age : 37
Registration date : 2008-01-05
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Peace, Justice and Anarchy od Ryan Harvey
This country ain't nothing but a company's dream
A couple hundred million workers, that's all that they see
Our hands on the tools, money writing the rules
From the sweatshop prisons to the cops in the schools
You got the middle class living like it's gonna last
Working longer harder hours for less and less cash
Got the media spins, Republocrat twins
Got the war profiteer-corporate executive grins
You got the heroin running through the veins of the poor
Got the ghettos locked down, paying blood for the war
You got the cities decay, the dealers to pay
And the death squads working for the CIA
You got a million new jobs inside a thousand new jails
Outsourcing the unions, profits tipping the scales
Got a brainwashed youth, a trumped up truth
Got snipers armed with rifles on the factory roof
You got a 30 minute speech full of oohs and aahs
Got the cops armed tough out there breaking the laws
You got the front row seat, to your own defeat
You got the tear gas cannisters filling the street
You got the laws all written for the rich and the white
Trick the rest of them fools into the army to fight
In a dead end game, each war the same
Got a land and a people and a market to claim
You got a woman being raped everywhere that you look
In the courts, in the jails, in the schools, in the books
Got the TV set, sexisms outlet
Got a culture full of men taught to fall for that shit
Yeah and I did too, I'm not blaming you
But I'm trying to unlearn what they said was true
Yeah and I need help, I'm not afraid to say it
It's a subliminal tool, sometimes it's hard to see it
You got a job in an office, you got your own room
Got a pen and a paper and a drive to consume
Got the suit pressed thin, got the myth that you'll win
And the raise to replace true ambition
You gotta move up the ladder at the company's speed
Gotta learn to dance quick for the company's greed
You gotta justify every step that you can
With your eyes closed tight, with your head in the sand
You gotta fight your desires to fight the police
You gotta fight your heart and your every belief
You gotta trust the leader whatever he says
With the flag held high, yeah you're already dead
You already gave up if you take their advice
If you play their game, you've paid their price
And you're gone, gone, gone, there's no turning back
Unless you realize your potential, raise the fist and react
If we look to teach other, and to ourselves
And ignore the phony remedies they stock on the shelves
We can undermine the greed on which the system depends
In hopes to build a new world based on lovers and friends
We gotta build from the bottom what we want at the top
We gotta work together if we want this to stop
From the thick grassroots to the top of the tree
I want peace, justice, and anarchy!
This country ain't nothing but a company's dream
A couple hundred million workers, that's all that they see
Our hands on the tools, money writing the rules
From the sweatshop prisons to the cops in the schools
You got the middle class living like it's gonna last
Working longer harder hours for less and less cash
Got the media spins, Republocrat twins
Got the war profiteer-corporate executive grins
You got the heroin running through the veins of the poor
Got the ghettos locked down, paying blood for the war
You got the cities decay, the dealers to pay
And the death squads working for the CIA
You got a million new jobs inside a thousand new jails
Outsourcing the unions, profits tipping the scales
Got a brainwashed youth, a trumped up truth
Got snipers armed with rifles on the factory roof
You got a 30 minute speech full of oohs and aahs
Got the cops armed tough out there breaking the laws
You got the front row seat, to your own defeat
You got the tear gas cannisters filling the street
You got the laws all written for the rich and the white
Trick the rest of them fools into the army to fight
In a dead end game, each war the same
Got a land and a people and a market to claim
You got a woman being raped everywhere that you look
In the courts, in the jails, in the schools, in the books
Got the TV set, sexisms outlet
Got a culture full of men taught to fall for that shit
Yeah and I did too, I'm not blaming you
But I'm trying to unlearn what they said was true
Yeah and I need help, I'm not afraid to say it
It's a subliminal tool, sometimes it's hard to see it
You got a job in an office, you got your own room
Got a pen and a paper and a drive to consume
Got the suit pressed thin, got the myth that you'll win
And the raise to replace true ambition
You gotta move up the ladder at the company's speed
Gotta learn to dance quick for the company's greed
You gotta justify every step that you can
With your eyes closed tight, with your head in the sand
You gotta fight your desires to fight the police
You gotta fight your heart and your every belief
You gotta trust the leader whatever he says
With the flag held high, yeah you're already dead
You already gave up if you take their advice
If you play their game, you've paid their price
And you're gone, gone, gone, there's no turning back
Unless you realize your potential, raise the fist and react
If we look to teach other, and to ourselves
And ignore the phony remedies they stock on the shelves
We can undermine the greed on which the system depends
In hopes to build a new world based on lovers and friends
We gotta build from the bottom what we want at the top
We gotta work together if we want this to stop
From the thick grassroots to the top of the tree
I want peace, justice, and anarchy!
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
"Drink Drank Punk" - Anti Flag
gulp, gulp, gulp i want to drink more beer until i puke drink drank punk i'm so cool i can drink so much i can drink more than you drink drank punk met a girl at the bar oh she was a 10 at 2:00 i gave her four stars oh i took her home she spent the night oh at 10:00 am she was a fright some old guy bought me some alcohol we got drunk at the mall drink drank punk mom's gonna get us at the mall oh in a drunken stupor hope i don't fall oh i chew on a big wad of gum oh mom won't notice, she's old and dumb drink drank punk
gulp, gulp, gulp i want to drink more beer until i puke drink drank punk i'm so cool i can drink so much i can drink more than you drink drank punk met a girl at the bar oh she was a 10 at 2:00 i gave her four stars oh i took her home she spent the night oh at 10:00 am she was a fright some old guy bought me some alcohol we got drunk at the mall drink drank punk mom's gonna get us at the mall oh in a drunken stupor hope i don't fall oh i chew on a big wad of gum oh mom won't notice, she's old and dumb drink drank punk
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
"The Alcoholic" - Chaos U.K.
Feel uptight, don't feel right
Got no money to see me through the night
Head's spinnin', feel a mess
Feel my worst, tryin' to act my best
Got sick on my trousers, got sick on the floor
Fallin asleep, I'm beginning to snore
Got to get home, it's the only way
But I don't know my fucking way
Cos I'm an alcoholic!
And I just love the kick!
I'm dribblin my words, got a glazy stare
Cos I'm addicted to beer!
Woke up this morning with the sun In me eyes
Woke up in the garden, what a surprise
Half-eaten kebab stuck to my head
I wish I was asleep in my bed
Cos now I'm lying here with an aching liver
In a cold sweat, I'm begging to shiver
Falling asleep in the trash
Now I got a nasty rash
Feel uptight, don't feel right
Got no money to see me through the night
Head's spinnin', feel a mess
Feel my worst, tryin' to act my best
Got sick on my trousers, got sick on the floor
Fallin asleep, I'm beginning to snore
Got to get home, it's the only way
But I don't know my fucking way
Cos I'm an alcoholic!
And I just love the kick!
I'm dribblin my words, got a glazy stare
Cos I'm addicted to beer!
Woke up this morning with the sun In me eyes
Woke up in the garden, what a surprise
Half-eaten kebab stuck to my head
I wish I was asleep in my bed
Cos now I'm lying here with an aching liver
In a cold sweat, I'm begging to shiver
Falling asleep in the trash
Now I got a nasty rash
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Zivotiste - FLUKS
Sekogas grabam
Po zivotnite iskustva
Za da napravam nesto
Podobro za sebe
I sekogas gledam
Podobro od tebe
Za da napravam nesto
Poveke za sebe
Nikogas nema da dozvolam nekoj
Da mi zastane na patot koj vodi do celta
Celta e taa sto postojano bega
Kade i da si sekogas pred tebe
Nekogas bese podobro od sega
Imavme mnogu, baravme malku
Nekogas bese podobro od sega
Nemame nisto, a sakame mnogu
Ne deka jas se zalam
Samo taka mi dojde
Ebi mu majkata
Znaes kako ti e toa e
Sekogas grabam
Po zivotnite iskustva
Za da napravam nesto
Podobro za sebe
I sekogas gledam
Podobro od tebe
Za da napravam nesto
Poveke za sebe
Nikogas nema da dozvolam nekoj
Da mi zastane na patot koj vodi do celta
Celta e taa sto postojano bega
Kade i da si sekogas pred tebe
Nekogas bese podobro od sega
Imavme mnogu, baravme malku
Nekogas bese podobro od sega
Nemame nisto, a sakame mnogu
Ne deka jas se zalam
Samo taka mi dojde
Ebi mu majkata
Znaes kako ti e toa e
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Working Class Hero - John Lennon
As soon as your born they make you feel small,
By giving you no time instead of it all,
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,
Then they expect you to pick a career,
When you can't really function you're so full of fear,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV,
And you think you're so clever and classless and free,
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
There's room at the top they are telling you still,
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill,
If you want to be like the folks on the hill,
A working class hero is something to be.
A working class hero is something to be.
If you want to be a hero well just follow me,
If you want to be a hero well just follow me.
As soon as your born they make you feel small,
By giving you no time instead of it all,
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,
Then they expect you to pick a career,
When you can't really function you're so full of fear,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV,
And you think you're so clever and classless and free,
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
There's room at the top they are telling you still,
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill,
If you want to be like the folks on the hill,
A working class hero is something to be.
A working class hero is something to be.
If you want to be a hero well just follow me,
If you want to be a hero well just follow me.
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
In dis world of disillusion see destruction of mankind
Yes dem wicked dem so greedy see dem even rob the blind
Who will stop his madness who`ll take control
They`ve been running all the business even music lost it`s soul
And seem like every politician is molester of a child
They keep teasing I&I wil they stop dis for a while
Was it a consequence of ignorance, dis global state of fear
Dem a go never to repent, see the end is getting near
Dem rule in dis jungle
See with my life they do the gamble
Dem rule in dis jungle
See with your life they do the gamble
They even put I inna lyrical gheto
Too much opression it`s a lyrical gheto
They even put I inna lyrical gheto
Where I man come from it`s a lyrical gheto
See dem a come but they never come listen at all
I just can`t relax inside this concrete box
Fussin` on the streets gaylers, hooligans and cops
After dem a gathered comunist crooks
All in one day like dem a dis satan troops
And dem western politicans dem champions in crime
Accusations to my nation, no exeption this time
Who a start a fire who gets burned up in this time
Accusations to my nation, no exeption this time
In the eyes I have a dubby creation
This is my mike, my only operation
Now I`m operating this combination
Only eyes&girls in a face man
I made my own decision through music of relligion
Music is my vision and I never crosed my region
In dis world of disillusion see destruction of mankind
Yes dem wicked dem so greedy see dem even rob the blind
Who will stop his madness who`ll take control
They`ve been running all the business even music lost it`s soul
And seem like every politician is molester of a child
They keep teasing I&I wil they stop dis for a while
Was it a consequence of ignorance, dis global state of fear
Dem a go never to repent, see the end is getting near
Dem rule in dis jungle
See with my life they do the gamble
Dem rule in dis jungle
See with your life they do the gamble
They even put I inna lyrical gheto
Too much opression it`s a lyrical gheto
They even put I inna lyrical gheto
Where I man come from it`s a lyrical gheto
See dem a come but they never come listen at all
I just can`t relax inside this concrete box
Fussin` on the streets gaylers, hooligans and cops
After dem a gathered comunist crooks
All in one day like dem a dis satan troops
And dem western politicans dem champions in crime
Accusations to my nation, no exeption this time
Who a start a fire who gets burned up in this time
Accusations to my nation, no exeption this time
In the eyes I have a dubby creation
This is my mike, my only operation
Now I`m operating this combination
Only eyes&girls in a face man
I made my own decision through music of relligion
Music is my vision and I never crosed my region
agent47- Број на мислења : 7
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-02-01
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
G 8
What's great about G8?
What's great about G8?
What's great about G8?
What's great about G8?
Killing kids, dropping bombs,
Raping earth, washing money.
Killing kids, digging graves,
Killing more kids, digging graves.
We hate the G8!
We hate the G8!
We hate the G8!
We hate the G8!
Killing kids, dropping bombs,
Raping earth, washing money.
Killing kids, digging graves,
Killing more kids, digging graves.
What's great about G8?
What's great about G8?
What's great about G8?
What's great about G8?
Killing kids, dropping bombs,
Raping earth, washing money.
Killing kids, digging graves,
Killing more kids, digging graves.
We hate the G8!
We hate the G8!
We hate the G8!
We hate the G8!
Killing kids, dropping bombs,
Raping earth, washing money.
Killing kids, digging graves,
Killing more kids, digging graves.
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Stay around don't play around
This old town and all
Seems like I got to travel on
A lot of people won't get no supper tonight
A lot of people won't get no justice tonight
The battle is gettin hotter
In this iration, armagideon time
A lot of people runnin and a hiding tonight
A lot of people won't get no justice tonight
Remember to kick it over
No one will guide you - armagideon time
This old town and all
Seems like I got to travel on
A lot of people won't get no supper tonight
A lot of people won't get no justice tonight
The battle is gettin hotter
In this iration, armagideon time
A lot of people runnin and a hiding tonight
A lot of people won't get no justice tonight
Remember to kick it over
No one will guide you - armagideon time
colioi- Број на мислења : 2
Age : 42
Location : prilep
Registration date : 2008-02-16
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Speak of injustice when you're the one thats really flawed
crippling our future and not standing for the only cause
revolutionary standpoints will get us through the water
with a baby on her shoulder and an automatic on the other
we walked through the sewers of a run down land just to get a better look
the army has taken them, we look past the rubble there use to be school house there
now its just a base, what the hell are we doing in a crippled state
as you want it. theres no escape. no future. were just M.I.A.
walking like children. barefoot and harnessed. we owe ourselves the biggest apologies
The rich and the white is what brought this on us all
with their mechanical advances and no circuits will fry, (for you)
they never cared about you all they want is to see you die
just as they let your children cry in a cesspool of blood, piss and shit
its what they made to sit you down in and watch you quiver in pain and fear
they run on fear, they see only death,
making the markets go up for all the bigots and bastards
Look around to see the earth as one big rotting whole,
no halves and quarters was it worth fighting for? its outta control
and were the relinquished looking for a battle with unarmed civilians
chemical warfare and mechanical armies will bring you to your knees with no persiverence
no justice, no more tomorrows, we owe ourselves the biggest apologies.
Speak of injustice when you're the one thats really flawed
crippling our future and not standing for the only cause
revolutionary standpoints will get us through the water
with a baby on her shoulder and an automatic on the other
we walked through the sewers of a run down land just to get a better look
the army has taken them, we look past the rubble there use to be school house there
now its just a base, what the hell are we doing in a crippled state
as you want it. theres no escape. no future. were just M.I.A.
walking like children. barefoot and harnessed. we owe ourselves the biggest apologies
The rich and the white is what brought this on us all
with their mechanical advances and no circuits will fry, (for you)
they never cared about you all they want is to see you die
just as they let your children cry in a cesspool of blood, piss and shit
its what they made to sit you down in and watch you quiver in pain and fear
they run on fear, they see only death,
making the markets go up for all the bigots and bastards
Look around to see the earth as one big rotting whole,
no halves and quarters was it worth fighting for? its outta control
and were the relinquished looking for a battle with unarmed civilians
chemical warfare and mechanical armies will bring you to your knees with no persiverence
no justice, no more tomorrows, we owe ourselves the biggest apologies.
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Aktivna Propaganda - Armija sagnutih glava
Samo država te je sredila, dala ti
prošlost - tradiciju, religiju, dala ti
sedašnjost - rat, politiku i budučnost -
tehnologiju. Samo je sistem, kojeg
moraš, da pratiš, moraš živjeti
naprijed i nikad ne smješ stati. Ne
traži sunca, jer imaš neonska
svijetla i ne traži spas, jer ti si
sam i jedan. Samo ti moraš
pobjediti, pustiti prošlost -
tradiciju, religiju, živjeti
sadašnjost - sreču, slobodu i
budučnost - anarhiju. Jer ovaj sistem
nikad ne može stati, ovu naciju - samo
ropstvo prati. Ne govori više, da
ovdje nema riješenja, ti si svoj
čovjek i njih ne trebaš. Glavu gore,
pogled pravo, znaš, da ovaj svijet
umire, ako ti život barem malo
vrijedisada je vrijeme, da digneš se!
Samo država te je sredila, dala ti
prošlost - tradiciju, religiju, dala ti
sedašnjost - rat, politiku i budučnost -
tehnologiju. Samo je sistem, kojeg
moraš, da pratiš, moraš živjeti
naprijed i nikad ne smješ stati. Ne
traži sunca, jer imaš neonska
svijetla i ne traži spas, jer ti si
sam i jedan. Samo ti moraš
pobjediti, pustiti prošlost -
tradiciju, religiju, živjeti
sadašnjost - sreču, slobodu i
budučnost - anarhiju. Jer ovaj sistem
nikad ne može stati, ovu naciju - samo
ropstvo prati. Ne govori više, da
ovdje nema riješenja, ti si svoj
čovjek i njih ne trebaš. Glavu gore,
pogled pravo, znaš, da ovaj svijet
umire, ako ti život barem malo
vrijedisada je vrijeme, da digneš se!
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Aktivna Propaganda - Senza Frontiere
Svaka država je naša tamnica
svi smo mi njeni robovi.
Izbrisani ljudi zbog postavljenih granica
potlačeni od kapitalističkog divjanja.
Sada je vrjeme rušenja zidova!
Sada je vrijeme socialnih promjena!
Naše sredstvo socialna revolucija!
Naš cilj - sloboda i anarhija!
Doči če naš dan! NO PASARAN!
Sada je vrjeme rušenja zidova!
Sada je vrijeme socialnih promjena!
Naš konformizam nek je oružana akcija!
Naš dialog - otvorena konfrontacija!
Doči če naš dan! NO PASARAN!
Ustanimo drugov, razbijmo okove
nek crne zastave označu početak
nek slobodno nebo označi kraj!
Stupimo složno s usklikom na usnama
kao ovog jesenskog dana!
Svaka država je naša tamnica
svi smo mi njeni robovi.
Izbrisani ljudi zbog postavljenih granica
potlačeni od kapitalističkog divjanja.
Sada je vrjeme rušenja zidova!
Sada je vrijeme socialnih promjena!
Naše sredstvo socialna revolucija!
Naš cilj - sloboda i anarhija!
Doči če naš dan! NO PASARAN!
Sada je vrjeme rušenja zidova!
Sada je vrijeme socialnih promjena!
Naš konformizam nek je oružana akcija!
Naš dialog - otvorena konfrontacija!
Doči če naš dan! NO PASARAN!
Ustanimo drugov, razbijmo okove
nek crne zastave označu početak
nek slobodno nebo označi kraj!
Stupimo složno s usklikom na usnama
kao ovog jesenskog dana!
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Contravene - "in the name of convenience"
Over the hill theres a factory with walls a mile high and behind those walls lies a killing floor where thousands of animals die. So welcome to the factory farm where murder means production. Its the process of supply and demand supported by your consumption. And so you swallow the lies and end their lives but could you face this horror? Could you stand and watch as the blade slides across their throat-their body is hung upside down and they bleed to death before you? Could you stand and watch as the bolt drives through their skull? Watch them as they flail about and not have it affect you? Could you stand and watch as they beat an animal to death? A full sized axe smashed against its skull until theres nothing left. How the fuck can you stand and watch as a life becomes a product, or as a child is ripped from its mother to become the next to receive this? These are lives, not products. These are cows, not beef. These are pigs, not pork. These are chickens, not poultry. These are calves, not veal. These are lives, not products. These are animals, just as we, and they deserve to be free. Not the voiceless victims of a murderous process where we claim superiority. Its up to every one of us to stop this murder and it starts on an individual level. Lets make the choice to raise our voice and not let up until they tear every last factory down! From the moment of birth their hardships begin. Theyll be wanted for their flesh , their eggs, their milk, their fur, their skin. Theyll be chained into veal crates, or cages stacked up high, and depending on their gender some are simply left to die. Fed a steady diet or rendered waste from their own kind. Theyll be injected with hormones and drugs to keep them all alive. Confined and forced to inhale the stench of growing piles of waste. Some will become violent and neurotic due to lack of space. And the animals raped for their eggs and milk- when their production life is through, theyll be shipped of to the slaughter in hopes that theyll be consumed by me and you. Paraded through the slaughterhouse where theyll soon be known as meat. The stench of blood and entrails from the floor beneath their feet. Theyll watch the ones before them and hear their final cries of pain. Imagine the terror in their minds as they watch their families get slain. Their blood is cursing through your veins. Suffer their screams, suffer their pain. Remove the blindfold from your eyes. You have no right to take their lives. In the name of convenience they are victims of greed. Why support the torture for a product you dont need? Stop for a moment, look into their eyes. Watch what you are guilty of-watch the way they die. Few of us know what it is to fight when youve already struggled with all f your might. Few of us know what it is to fight when its a matter of death or a matter of life. Few of us know what it is to fight against neglect and abuse that is kept out of sight. Few of us know what it is to fight when you have no defense against the blade of the knife.
Over the hill theres a factory with walls a mile high and behind those walls lies a killing floor where thousands of animals die. So welcome to the factory farm where murder means production. Its the process of supply and demand supported by your consumption. And so you swallow the lies and end their lives but could you face this horror? Could you stand and watch as the blade slides across their throat-their body is hung upside down and they bleed to death before you? Could you stand and watch as the bolt drives through their skull? Watch them as they flail about and not have it affect you? Could you stand and watch as they beat an animal to death? A full sized axe smashed against its skull until theres nothing left. How the fuck can you stand and watch as a life becomes a product, or as a child is ripped from its mother to become the next to receive this? These are lives, not products. These are cows, not beef. These are pigs, not pork. These are chickens, not poultry. These are calves, not veal. These are lives, not products. These are animals, just as we, and they deserve to be free. Not the voiceless victims of a murderous process where we claim superiority. Its up to every one of us to stop this murder and it starts on an individual level. Lets make the choice to raise our voice and not let up until they tear every last factory down! From the moment of birth their hardships begin. Theyll be wanted for their flesh , their eggs, their milk, their fur, their skin. Theyll be chained into veal crates, or cages stacked up high, and depending on their gender some are simply left to die. Fed a steady diet or rendered waste from their own kind. Theyll be injected with hormones and drugs to keep them all alive. Confined and forced to inhale the stench of growing piles of waste. Some will become violent and neurotic due to lack of space. And the animals raped for their eggs and milk- when their production life is through, theyll be shipped of to the slaughter in hopes that theyll be consumed by me and you. Paraded through the slaughterhouse where theyll soon be known as meat. The stench of blood and entrails from the floor beneath their feet. Theyll watch the ones before them and hear their final cries of pain. Imagine the terror in their minds as they watch their families get slain. Their blood is cursing through your veins. Suffer their screams, suffer their pain. Remove the blindfold from your eyes. You have no right to take their lives. In the name of convenience they are victims of greed. Why support the torture for a product you dont need? Stop for a moment, look into their eyes. Watch what you are guilty of-watch the way they die. Few of us know what it is to fight when youve already struggled with all f your might. Few of us know what it is to fight when its a matter of death or a matter of life. Few of us know what it is to fight against neglect and abuse that is kept out of sight. Few of us know what it is to fight when you have no defense against the blade of the knife.
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
(pesnata ne mora da bide anarho related za da bide kul, right?)
Jens Lekman - Friday Night at the Drive-In Bingo
In a tiny tiny southern Swedish country town
two acres of field and a gas station
riding on my moped, looking for fun
staring into the blood red sun
on the country road is a boulevard
with neon lights and night open bars
in my jacket a pack of playing cards
just jacks, jokers, and the queen of hearts
my heart is beating, beating like Ringo
as I pull into the drive-in bingo
why do the people in the country wanna look like the people in the city?
when the people in the city aren't the slightest pretty I want the people in the country to wear flannel shirts and saggy jeans all covered in dirt
I want the people in the country to be open and kind
but most times I've met those with a narrow mind
with a big black dog to bite your behind
if htey ever find out you're not one of their kind
all these thoughts as I open up a zingo
Friday night at the drive-in bingo
so this is what they do out here for fun?
they play bingo and let their engines run?
tonight's jackpot is a pig, hey that's criminal!
G-42! ooh, I'm going diagonal!
I'm gonna gather up a few of my friends
as many fits into an army tent
just bring our savings and a bottle of wine
to the Friday night's reversal of time!
this little south-west village shouldn't cost that much
maybe a handful of silver or a hundred bucks
we could have wild wild parties in that big old lodge and the windmill's perfect for movies and such
we could fake our deaths to get insurance money and take on hippie names
I'd be Snowphish, you'd be Sunny, we could start a little farm with little white bunnies
just cause watching them copulate is very funny
there's a cow and an ostrich just waiting for you!
a glass of apple cider just waiting for you!
the smell of 1952 just waiting for you!
and all I'm doing here is just waiting for you...
a daydream, I'm caught up in limbo
Friday night at the drive-in bingo
Jens Lekman - Friday Night at the Drive-In Bingo
In a tiny tiny southern Swedish country town
two acres of field and a gas station
riding on my moped, looking for fun
staring into the blood red sun
on the country road is a boulevard
with neon lights and night open bars
in my jacket a pack of playing cards
just jacks, jokers, and the queen of hearts
my heart is beating, beating like Ringo
as I pull into the drive-in bingo
why do the people in the country wanna look like the people in the city?
when the people in the city aren't the slightest pretty I want the people in the country to wear flannel shirts and saggy jeans all covered in dirt
I want the people in the country to be open and kind
but most times I've met those with a narrow mind
with a big black dog to bite your behind
if htey ever find out you're not one of their kind
all these thoughts as I open up a zingo
Friday night at the drive-in bingo
so this is what they do out here for fun?
they play bingo and let their engines run?
tonight's jackpot is a pig, hey that's criminal!
G-42! ooh, I'm going diagonal!
I'm gonna gather up a few of my friends
as many fits into an army tent
just bring our savings and a bottle of wine
to the Friday night's reversal of time!
this little south-west village shouldn't cost that much
maybe a handful of silver or a hundred bucks
we could have wild wild parties in that big old lodge and the windmill's perfect for movies and such
we could fake our deaths to get insurance money and take on hippie names
I'd be Snowphish, you'd be Sunny, we could start a little farm with little white bunnies
just cause watching them copulate is very funny
there's a cow and an ostrich just waiting for you!
a glass of apple cider just waiting for you!
the smell of 1952 just waiting for you!
and all I'm doing here is just waiting for you...
a daydream, I'm caught up in limbo
Friday night at the drive-in bingo
Kittentits- Број на мислења : 79
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-03-19
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
A Perfect Circle ~ Judith
You're such an inspiration for the ways
That I'll never ever choose to be
Oh so many ways for me to show you
How the savior has abandoned you
Fuck your God
Your Lord and your Christ
He did this
Took all you had and
Left you this way
Still you pray, you never stray
Never taste of the fruit
You never thought to question why
It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
Praise the one who left you
Broken down and paralyzed
He did it all for you
He did it all for you
Oh so many many ways for me to show you
How your dogma has abandoned you
Pray to your Christ, to your god
Never taste of the fruit
Never stray, never break
Never---choke on a lie
Even though he's the one who did this to you
You never thought to question why
Not like you killed someone
It's Not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side
Talk to Jesus Christ
As if he knows the reasons why
He did it all for you
Did it all for you
He did it all for you..
You're such an inspiration for the ways
That I'll never ever choose to be
Oh so many ways for me to show you
How the savior has abandoned you
Fuck your God
Your Lord and your Christ
He did this
Took all you had and
Left you this way
Still you pray, you never stray
Never taste of the fruit
You never thought to question why
It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
Praise the one who left you
Broken down and paralyzed
He did it all for you
He did it all for you
Oh so many many ways for me to show you
How your dogma has abandoned you
Pray to your Christ, to your god
Never taste of the fruit
Never stray, never break
Never---choke on a lie
Even though he's the one who did this to you
You never thought to question why
Not like you killed someone
It's Not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side
Talk to Jesus Christ
As if he knows the reasons why
He did it all for you
Did it all for you
He did it all for you..
Kittentits- Број на мислења : 79
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-03-19
tekstovi na vasite omileni pesni
omilena pesna?hmmm
killing machine-partisans
mighty and superior-conflict
ne e bitna muzikata na sajtov bitno e sto ne povrzuva tuka-anarhijata????????
killing machine-partisans
mighty and superior-conflict
ne e bitna muzikata na sajtov bitno e sto ne povrzuva tuka-anarhijata????????
-off-- Број на мислења : 190
Age : 35
Location : skopje
Registration date : 2008-03-03
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
lars frederiksen and the bastards - to have anto have not
Up in the morning and out to school
Mother says there'll be no work next year
Qualifications once the Golden Rule are now just pieces of paper
Just because you're better than me doesn't mean I'm lazy
Just because you're going forwards doesn't mean I'm going backwards
Well if you look the part well then
You'll get the job in last year's trousers and your old school shoes
The truth is son it's a buyer's market they can afford to pick and choose
Just because you're better than me doesn't mean I'm a lazy
Just because I dress like this doesn't mean I'm a communist
Well the factory's are closing and the army's full
I don't know what I'm going to do
But I've come to see in the land of the free
There's only room for a chosen few
Just because you're better than me doesn't mean I'm a lazy
Just because you're going forwards doesn't mean I'm going backwards
Well at 21 you're atop of the scrap heap
At 16 you were top of your class
Well I dropped outta high school in Campbell, California
Got a guitar and I never looked back
Just because your better than me doesn't mean I'm a lazy
Just because I dress like this doesn't mean I'm a communist
Up in the morning and out to school
Mother says there'll be no work next year
Qualifications once the Golden Rule are now just pieces of paper
Just because you're better than me doesn't mean I'm lazy
Just because you're going forwards doesn't mean I'm going backwards
Well if you look the part well then
You'll get the job in last year's trousers and your old school shoes
The truth is son it's a buyer's market they can afford to pick and choose
Just because you're better than me doesn't mean I'm a lazy
Just because I dress like this doesn't mean I'm a communist
Well the factory's are closing and the army's full
I don't know what I'm going to do
But I've come to see in the land of the free
There's only room for a chosen few
Just because you're better than me doesn't mean I'm a lazy
Just because you're going forwards doesn't mean I'm going backwards
Well at 21 you're atop of the scrap heap
At 16 you were top of your class
Well I dropped outta high school in Campbell, California
Got a guitar and I never looked back
Just because your better than me doesn't mean I'm a lazy
Just because I dress like this doesn't mean I'm a communist
punk_bt- Број на мислења : 69
Registration date : 2008-03-27
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Pieme pivo sega drugari sme da,
sakas ti pivo epa sakam i ja,
so pivoto sega znaj, problemite gi nema
zemaj ti pivo dodeka drug ne go zemal
Ref: Pivooo, sakas ti, pivo sakam jas
I sega veke ne ni e gajle za nisto,
i sega veke ne ni e gajle za nikoj,
vikaj ti sega ajde pivo, pivo, pivo
ajde jas i ti da pieme pivo
Ref:Pivooo, sakas ti, pivo sakam jas
Pieme pivo sega drugari sme da,
sedime na ulica so pivo vo raka
i nikoj ne mi kazuva sto nie da pravime
i dojde sega vreme ajde da nazdravime.
Pieme pivo sega drugari sme da,
sakas ti pivo epa sakam i ja,
so pivoto sega znaj, problemite gi nema
zemaj ti pivo dodeka drug ne go zemal
Ref: Pivooo, sakas ti, pivo sakam jas
I sega veke ne ni e gajle za nisto,
i sega veke ne ni e gajle za nikoj,
vikaj ti sega ajde pivo, pivo, pivo
ajde jas i ti da pieme pivo
Ref:Pivooo, sakas ti, pivo sakam jas
Pieme pivo sega drugari sme da,
sedime na ulica so pivo vo raka
i nikoj ne mi kazuva sto nie da pravime
i dojde sega vreme ajde da nazdravime.
MARIO- Број на мислења : 9
Age : 31
Location : SKOPJE
Registration date : 2008-04-15
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Pijan pesak
Ej nova vest za veselenje,
drzavava nasa nov zakon donese
za pienje po ulicive
pa kisnenje po stanicite
Ref: Pijan peshak, ne smees ni so drugar ti da se napiesh...
Pijan peshak si ti
No koj ve ebe site nie ke bideme
sekade kade nie sakame
na trotoarite i ulicite ke se zezame i vino ke tochime
Ref: Pijan peshak, ne smees ni so drugar ti da se napiesh...
Pijan peshak si ti
Ima momenti sami doagaat,
ke se nachukas i ke popagjas
pa zarem treba nekoj peder za toa da mi sudi
nekoj pandur glup so kjutek da me osvesti.
Ej nova vest za veselenje,
drzavava nasa nov zakon donese
za pienje po ulicive
pa kisnenje po stanicite
Ref: Pijan peshak, ne smees ni so drugar ti da se napiesh...
Pijan peshak si ti
No koj ve ebe site nie ke bideme
sekade kade nie sakame
na trotoarite i ulicite ke se zezame i vino ke tochime
Ref: Pijan peshak, ne smees ni so drugar ti da se napiesh...
Pijan peshak si ti
Ima momenti sami doagaat,
ke se nachukas i ke popagjas
pa zarem treba nekoj peder za toa da mi sudi
nekoj pandur glup so kjutek da me osvesti.
MARIO- Број на мислења : 9
Age : 31
Location : SKOPJE
Registration date : 2008-04-15
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
It is time for revolting ourselves
it is time for organizing ourselves
far from power and traditions
spit our rage too lenghthily repressed
it's been too many years
that we are forced to bite the dust
very slowly, with no mercy
with no noise, with no regret
We are the army of the voiceless
landless and stateless
by any means we will walk forward
until our liberation
we resist to a disease
new viruses of the capital
injected in our veins
by cynical bosses
the force people in lack of dreams and freedom
to prodice and consume
until overdose of servility
chained from guts to brain
submitted to eurodollar rules
we must, without master and flag
break our prison's doors
it is time for organizing ourselves
far from power and traditions
spit our rage too lenghthily repressed
it's been too many years
that we are forced to bite the dust
very slowly, with no mercy
with no noise, with no regret
We are the army of the voiceless
landless and stateless
by any means we will walk forward
until our liberation
we resist to a disease
new viruses of the capital
injected in our veins
by cynical bosses
the force people in lack of dreams and freedom
to prodice and consume
until overdose of servility
chained from guts to brain
submitted to eurodollar rules
we must, without master and flag
break our prison's doors
evolutionary- Број на мислења : 146
Registration date : 2008-05-21
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Razlog Za - boli njih kurac za nas
Cini mi se da sam to vec vidio i prije
la�ni osmijeh na �arenom plakatu
debelo dupe uvaljeno u udobnu fotelju
fino odijelo i posvetu na zlatnom satu
Puna usta fraza o dobrobiti nacije
domoljubi, generali i zaslu�ni fudbaleri
nisu pitali ni�ta dok su grabili i krali
kao da ne znam �to bi stvarno htjeli
Boli njih kurac za nas
za na�e probleme i na�e muke
oni tra�e svoj spas
prljavim jezikom peru si ruke
Svoje cu stavove izgraditi sam
i nikada necu klecati pred nikim
mo�da to znaci i glavom kroz zid
ja vodim svoj rat i ne trebam njih
Samo su prijatelji ono �to je va�no
sve su ostalo prolazna imena
bitno je znati tko te zaista voli
jer �ivot nas gura u mnoga isku�enja
Boli njih kurac za nas
za na�e probleme i na�e muke
oni tra�e svoj spas
prljavim jezikom peru si ruke
Cini mi se da sam to vec vidio i prije
la�ni osmijeh na �arenom plakatu
debelo dupe uvaljeno u udobnu fotelju
fino odijelo i posvetu na zlatnom satu
Puna usta fraza o dobrobiti nacije
domoljubi, generali i zaslu�ni fudbaleri
nisu pitali ni�ta dok su grabili i krali
kao da ne znam �to bi stvarno htjeli
Boli njih kurac za nas
za na�e probleme i na�e muke
oni tra�e svoj spas
prljavim jezikom peru si ruke
Svoje cu stavove izgraditi sam
i nikada necu klecati pred nikim
mo�da to znaci i glavom kroz zid
ja vodim svoj rat i ne trebam njih
Samo su prijatelji ono �to je va�no
sve su ostalo prolazna imena
bitno je znati tko te zaista voli
jer �ivot nas gura u mnoga isku�enja
Boli njih kurac za nas
za na�e probleme i na�e muke
oni tra�e svoj spas
prljavim jezikom peru si ruke
GODless- Број на мислења : 14
Registration date : 2008-06-13
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Antidote => Education
Bradford teacher victimized
Instant hero, surprise surprise
Darling of the ultra-right
Middle-class, well-spoken, white
Education is a powerful tool
And it's in the hands
Of the people who rule
Bradford teacher victimized
Instant hero, surprise surprise
Darling of the ultra-right
Middle-class, well-spoken, white
Education is a powerful tool
And it's in the hands
Of the people who rule
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
this one is for the fucking soldiers coming home in bodybags
no fucking respect for thi shit
No tears will be shed
For soldiers of war returning in bags
No tears will be shed
For the fucking cops who die at our hands
No love lost here
No love lost here
No funeral march, no sympathy
No mourning cry
No love lost here
No tears will be shed
For traitor found dead, bullet in head
No tears will be shed
For the rat found slaughtered, blood soaked in red
this one is for the fucking soldiers coming home in bodybags
no fucking respect for thi shit
No tears will be shed
For soldiers of war returning in bags
No tears will be shed
For the fucking cops who die at our hands
No love lost here
No love lost here
No funeral march, no sympathy
No mourning cry
No love lost here
No tears will be shed
For traitor found dead, bullet in head
No tears will be shed
For the rat found slaughtered, blood soaked in red
-off-- Број на мислења : 190
Age : 35
Location : skopje
Registration date : 2008-03-03
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
BIKINI KILL -Suck my left one
Sister, sister where did we go wrong?
Tell me what the fuck we're doing here
Why are all the boys acting strange?
We've got to show them we're worse than queer
1, 2, 3, 4
Daddy comes into her room at night
He's got more than talking on his mind
My sister pulls the covers down
She reaches over, flicks on the light
She says to him :
Mama says : You have to be a polite girl
You have got to be polite
Show a little respect for your father
Wait until your father gets home
Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine
Sister, sister where did we go wrong?
Tell me what the fuck we're doing here
Why are all the boys acting strange?
We've got to show them we're worse than queer
1, 2, 3, 4
Daddy comes into her room at night
He's got more than talking on his mind
My sister pulls the covers down
She reaches over, flicks on the light
She says to him :
Mama says : You have to be a polite girl
You have got to be polite
Show a little respect for your father
Wait until your father gets home
Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine
Секс Објект- Број на мислења : 210
Age : 37
Registration date : 2008-01-05
Re: Текстови на вашите омилени песни
Hocu? NECU! - Nogom U Muda
Kaze da je dosadan
da smrdi na rakiju i znoj
kad je tako ti poslusaj
savjet moj
Ako te maltretira
nemoj da si luda
slobodno ga raspali
nogom u muda
Ti mu povladujes
i divis se njegovoj moci
a vasa je ljubav
silovanje svake noci
Tvoja patnja
nije dokaz ljubavi
nastavi li ovako
ima da te udavi
Kada dodje s posla
jede pa legne da spava
ti mu obezbjedi mir
jer puca mu glava
Veceras ce doci
pijan ko svinja
ti nemas pravo glasa
za tebe je kuhinja
On u tebi vidi
samo muzaru kravu
kreso bi te
al da ti stavi
kesu na glavu
On u tebi vidi
samo robinju pravu
i kaze da je ozenio
uzas i stravu
Nemoj da si blesava
nemoj da si luda
slobodno ga raspali
nogom u muda
Zasto odustanes
od svojih osjecanja
nemoj da budes deo
njegovog maco sranja
Ne znaci ako je jaci
i da je u pravu
nemoj da budes curka
koristi svoju glavu
Ja vjerujem u ljubav
i u postovanje
ne treba mi nasilje
i tvoje maco sranje
Kaze da je dosadan
da smrdi na rakiju i znoj
kad je tako ti poslusaj
savjet moj
Ako te maltretira
nemoj da si luda
slobodno ga raspali
nogom u muda
Ti mu povladujes
i divis se njegovoj moci
a vasa je ljubav
silovanje svake noci
Tvoja patnja
nije dokaz ljubavi
nastavi li ovako
ima da te udavi
Kada dodje s posla
jede pa legne da spava
ti mu obezbjedi mir
jer puca mu glava
Veceras ce doci
pijan ko svinja
ti nemas pravo glasa
za tebe je kuhinja
On u tebi vidi
samo muzaru kravu
kreso bi te
al da ti stavi
kesu na glavu
On u tebi vidi
samo robinju pravu
i kaze da je ozenio
uzas i stravu
Nemoj da si blesava
nemoj da si luda
slobodno ga raspali
nogom u muda
Zasto odustanes
od svojih osjecanja
nemoj da budes deo
njegovog maco sranja
Ne znaci ako je jaci
i da je u pravu
nemoj da budes curka
koristi svoju glavu
Ja vjerujem u ljubav
i u postovanje
ne treba mi nasilje
i tvoje maco sranje
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