Онлајн текстови
Бог е злобен, човекот е слободен - ПрудонАнархизмот во Латинска Америка
Смртта на еден Палестинец - Полак
Моќта ги корумпира и најдобрите - Бакунин
Развој на анархистичките идеи во Македонија - Инџиќ
Анархизмот и насилството - Малатеста
Капиталистичкиот систем - Бакунин
Комунизам и анархија - Кропоткин
Анархизам и комунизам - Фабри
Анархизам - Савески
Што е анархија?
Што е анархизам?
Кои се анархистите?
Што е безвластие?
Вовед во анархокомунизам
Што е анархокомунизам? - Прајс
Кон анархизмот - Малатеста
Правото на глас на жените - Голдман
Писмо на Кропоткин до Ленин
Југославија – Империјалистичка војна
Улогата на Католичката црква во Холокаустот во Југославија
Анархизам - Беркман
Синдикализам и анархизам - Кропоткин
Што да се прави? - Малатеста
Што е капитализам?
Први Мај - Махно
Последното писмо на Кропоткин
Организацијата на Првата Интернационала - Бакунин
Бездржавен социјализам: Анархизам - Бакунин
Петар Манџуков - биографија од Хаџиев
Дискусија за анархија - Малатеста
Анархија и организација - Букчин
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Education is once again a subversive force.
His early sharing of the life of the poor also led him to the discovery of what he describes as the "culture of silence" of the dispossessed. He came to realize that their ignorance and lethargy were the direct product of the whole situation of economic, social, and political domination—and of the paternalism—of which they were victims. Rather than being encouraged and equipped to know and respond to the concrete realities of their world, they were kept "submerged" in a situation in which such critical awareness and response were practically impossible. And it became clear to him that the whole educational system was one of the major instruments for the maintenance of this culture of silence.
Tuka ja ima knigata, denes ja otkriv:
Od predgovorot:
We need to say no to the neoliberal fatalism that we are witnessing at the end of this century, informed by the ethics of the market, an ethics in which a minority makes most profits against the lives of the majority. In other words, those who cannot compete, die. This is a perverse ethics that, in fact, lacks ethics. I insist on saying that I continue to be human ... I would then remain the last educator in the world to say no: I do not accept. . . history as determinism. I embrace history as possibility [where] we can demystify the evil in this perverse fatalism that characterizes the neoliberal discourse in the end of this century.
Paulo Freire and Donaldo Macedo, Ideology Matters
His early sharing of the life of the poor also led him to the discovery of what he describes as the "culture of silence" of the dispossessed. He came to realize that their ignorance and lethargy were the direct product of the whole situation of economic, social, and political domination—and of the paternalism—of which they were victims. Rather than being encouraged and equipped to know and respond to the concrete realities of their world, they were kept "submerged" in a situation in which such critical awareness and response were practically impossible. And it became clear to him that the whole educational system was one of the major instruments for the maintenance of this culture of silence.
Tuka ja ima knigata, denes ja otkriv:
Od predgovorot:
We need to say no to the neoliberal fatalism that we are witnessing at the end of this century, informed by the ethics of the market, an ethics in which a minority makes most profits against the lives of the majority. In other words, those who cannot compete, die. This is a perverse ethics that, in fact, lacks ethics. I insist on saying that I continue to be human ... I would then remain the last educator in the world to say no: I do not accept. . . history as determinism. I embrace history as possibility [where] we can demystify the evil in this perverse fatalism that characterizes the neoliberal discourse in the end of this century.
Paulo Freire and Donaldo Macedo, Ideology Matters
netocka- Број на мислења : 95
Registration date : 2008-09-18
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